Cloud Services - Epic IT
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Cloud Services

“Access ‘As And When’ You Need”

Cloud Services

Cloud Computing is the universal term for something that involves the delivery of hosted services over the Internet. A cloud service has three distinctive characteristics that distinguish it from traditional hosting methods. It can be supplied on demand, by the hour or by the minute; it is expandable which allows the user to have as much or as little of a service as required; and the service is fully managed by the provider, requiring the consumer to need nothing more than a personal computer (or mobile device) and internet access.
There are various types or Cloud Services available. The common theme however is that a solution is hosted within one or more data centres and that users can connect to them over the internet. Such Cloud Services have become the most flexible computing solutions available in today’s market.
Epic IT’s focus is on delivering both Private or Public Cloud Solutions for business. A public cloud for instance is one where services are available to anyone on the Internet. A private cloud on the other hand is a network or a data center that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people (say only to the employees of a business).
At Epic IT, we will take all of your applications and data and host them on secure and reliable platforms, allowing your users to have access to their working environment 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world. Our aim is to provide seamless and effective solutions for all business customers.
For more information or to discuss your Cloud Service requirements, please call 0207 458 4800 or email today.

What Client's Say

 The English-Speaking Union has been with Epic IT for 7 years, and was glad recently to renew its contract. Epic have been invaluable in providing us with expert advice and consultancy on keeping our IT infrastructure up-to-date and fit for purpose.

The English Speaking Union

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