Virtualisation - Epic IT
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  • 0207 458 4800


“VMware Enterprise Partner”

Virtualisation Epic IT is a VMware Enterprise Partner and as such, we can offer class-leading virtualisation environments for businesses of all sizes and technological requirements.
Virtualisation and consolidation through VMware software provides businesses with a vital tool in today’s market to deliver high availability of servers, management and control of desktops, testing and lab platforms whilst drastically reducing your capital expenditure.
The benefits to your business of virtualisation are immediate:

  • Server Consolidation and Infrastructure Optimisation
    Virtualisation allows your business to pool common infrastructure resources and move away from the standard ‘one application to one server’ model
  • Cost Reduction
    Virtualisation will reduce the number of servers and related IT hardware. This leads to savings in physical space and power and cooling needs, resulting n significantly lower overall IT costs
  • Improved Operational Flexibility & Responsiveness
    Virtualisation offers a more efficient way of managing your IT infrastructure and administrators can spend less time on repetitive tasks such as provisioning, configuration, monitoring and maintenance
  • Increased Application Availability and Improved Business Continuity
    Eliminate planned downtime and recover quickly from unplanned outages with secure backup and migration of entire virtual environments with no service interruption
  • Improved Desktop Manageability and Security
    Deploy, manage and monitor secure desktop environments that your end users can access locally or remotely, with or without a network connection on almost any standard desktop, laptop or tablet PC
For more information or to discuss your Virtualisation requirements, please call 0207 458 4800 or email today.

What Client's Say

 I’ve worked with Epic for many years. I have absolute trust and faith in their skills and knowledge and have been saved on more than one occasion by the expertise of their engineers – and usually at some ungodly hour of the night! Even if it’s not critical it’s great to have somebody to bounce ideas off knowing I’ll get tailored advice back in good time.

Labelon Group

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